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What is Faith Bible Institute?


Faith Bible Institute (FBI) is a college course for every Christian. Students will study chronologically through the ENTIRE BIBLE and systematically through every major doctrine. Yet, basic classes meet only one evening each week. FBI combines solid Bible teaching with an interactive DVD video format utilizing student workbooks, charts, 3D maps and images to produce a unique and engaging learning experience. Join over 43,000 students who have been trained through Faith Bible Institute.

We provide everything you need!


  • 300 DVD lessons

  • Textbooks and Workbooks

  • Tests and Grading

  • Report cards and Diplomas

  • A full support staff to answer any questions and assist you in making your class a success.

Calvary Baptist Church is a proud Satellite School of FBI. We hold class Thursday 5:30 pm during the Spring and Fall semesters. We welcome you to visit us during normal hours for more information or call Pastor John at (931)273-9676

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